Enlighten your ideas

The best ideas are born from a change of perspective. Through our articles, we not only seek to stimulate your creativity and guide your decision-making, we also share with you concrete tools to develop your know-how.

Shedding light on winter heat and the employee experience

Our thematic newsletter on the winter tourist experience. Many Canadians don't do any outdoor winter activities. Ideas for breaking down barriers.

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Focus on digital data and sustainable tourism indicators

Our thematic newsletter on the use of technological tools in tourism and data collection.

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Sustainable business model framework

Visualize your environmental and social impacts at first, then identify opportunities to make your business model more sustainable.

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Stakeholder matrix

This tool makes it possible to categorize the stakeholders of a project according to their interest and their power, in order to define the type of commitment they require.

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Action prioritization matrix

This tool makes it possible to order priority actions among a multitude of ideas and to eliminate those that require a lot of effort for few results.

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Lean Canvas

This tool makes it possible to verify the viability of a project on the market in a simple and visual way.

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FFOM matrix

The Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threat Matrix (FFOM or SWOT in English) makes it possible to draw up a portrait prior to strategic planning.

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FOAR matrix

In addition to an FFOM, FOAR analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) makes it possible to focus on positive points and to visualize the context of an organization or a project.

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Retrospective 2023 at Touriscope

Article sharing the achievements and achievements of Touriscope in 2023.


Tourism as a lever for reconnecting with the territory

Let's start by defining the socio-ecological transition and then let's continue with six levers that tourist organizations have at their disposal to promote reconnection to the territory and its inhabitants.


Hybrid places and tourism, a necessary network

Mixed uses, hybrid places, third places that meet the needs of the community... The tourism sector should be a little more interested in these trends.


(Re) discover its territory, inspiring initiatives!

The border restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed the way we travel. Local tourism has emerged as an attractive alternative. Let's take a look at the best practices that are emerging.


A great employee experience!

Good practices and case studies in human resources management for tourism businesses.


What if you stopped promoting your territory?

Reflection on the new roles of destination management organizations (DMO or OGD) thanks to an interview with La Tangente who presents their new business model to us.


Get ready for the recovery!

Trends and adaptation solutions to ensure that tourism destinations and businesses are ready to welcome visitors this year.


Pandemic and sustainable tourism: why and how to make your organization evolve in 5 steps

58% of people care more about the environment now than before the pandemic. Challenges, trends and a 5-step approach.


Demystifying the use of digital traveller data

Destinations must compile and analyze data on current and potential visitors to their territory: issues, challenges and examples of good practices around the collection and management of customer data.


Rethinking tourism performance in a sustainable way

Article sharing the various options for rethinking tourism performance in a sustainable way


Impact of the pandemic on the outdoor activities of residents of the Maritimes

Results of a survey conducted by Touriscope in 2020-2021 - Analysis to help tourism players in the Maritimes in their 2021-2022 planning.


2020 in retrospective - tourism trends and challenges

Importance of data, the need to reinvent oneself, strengthened trends, new coveted customers, HR challenges & health and safety above all.


Maritime residents' 2020 travel intentions

Results of a survey conducted by Touriscope among residents of the Maritimes - Pandemic and travel behavior (travel intentions, budget, activities)


International students, how do you recruit them?

Tourism workforce: International students in Quebec: Who are they? Where to find them? What are the procedures for the employer? How to seduce them?


Fans of authentic experiences

Tourist customer profile - A growing number of travelers are looking for authenticity. Who are they? How to adapt your offer? How do you attract them?


Towards new pricing strategies for attractions

Trend - Tourist attractions are inspired by revenue management in the airline and hotel industries: dynamic pricing, loyalty programs.


How to properly design sustainable tourism products?

Explore the disconnect between intention and action in sustainable travel as we dissect obstacles and offer solutions.


How to develop good sustainable tourist mobility projects?

Faced with the numerous environmental challenges associated with private cars, how can we arouse the desire to travel differently?


When 2 companies meet to discuss their shared challenges

TourScope and O Strategy, 2 similar non-competing companies, used the open forum method to be more creative in solving problems.


Consulting residents, a must today!

2 reasons to consult residents: Orienting tourism development/evaluating perceptions and social acceptability of an activity or project


Loyalty, at the heart of the customer experience

Customer retention is a major challenge for small and medium-sized businesses. So why and how to stand out with an effective and attractive loyalty program?


Develop sustainable tourism through the business model framework

Does your organization want to improve its social and environmental performance? Here is a tool that will help you approach sustainability in a strategic way.


Package pricing, step by step

Our advice to support tourist operators in creating a package: creation, marketing, communication and partnerships!


A successful survey in 5 steps

Strategic knowledge: Our advice for tourism organizations who want to conduct a successful survey in 5 steps.


4 ways to extend your tourist season

Tourism and seasonality: 4 possible solutions to mitigate its effects and ensure the quality of the visitor experience.


How to do strategic intelligence without spending a week

Business intelligence: 3 good reasons to incorporate business intelligence into your schedule and how to do it effectively in 4 easy steps.


How can we promote the local culinary heritage?

Gourmet tourism: 5 priorities and recommendations based on the best practices of rural destinations renowned for their culinary tourism offer.


6 simple marketing tips to bounce back during a pandemic

Marketing advice for tourism players: Anticipation of questions, adaptation of photos, reassuring messages, online booking and flexible policies are among the essentials.


Lean, Six Sigma, Design Thinking and Agility: the inseparables of a successful customer experience

Best practice - All of these approaches can coexist and be adopted by tourism organizations looking to improve the customer experience.

White Papers
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Touriscope adopts the CSR commitment

The commitment is the result of a profound collective reflection carried out in a few months.


“Enclaireur.se”, our new common job title

The members of the Touriscope team have a new common job title that reflects the values of the company. The term “Scout” was chosen accordingly.


Touriscope continues to grow and consolidates its online presence

Touriscope announces the appointment of two employees, the appointment of a new shareholder and reveals a new website with more content relevant to tourism organizations.


Hidden meanings behind our illustrations

Our slogan and illustrations hide several symbols and meanings that represent the history, vision, values and offer of Touriscope, as well as our relationships with you.


Touriscope sponsors the 2022 Symposium of Sustainable Tourism Quebec

Supporting the organization was a matter of course since Touriscope has been a member of TDQ since its inception.


Action prioritization matrix

This tool makes it possible to order priority actions among a multitude of ideas and to eliminate those that require a lot of effort for few results.

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Sustainable business model framework

Visualize your environmental and social impacts at first, then identify opportunities to make your business model more sustainable.

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Stakeholder matrix

This tool makes it possible to categorize the stakeholders of a project according to their interest and their power, in order to define the type of commitment they require.

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Lean Canvas

This tool makes it possible to verify the viability of a project on the market in a simple and visual way.

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This tool makes it possible to refine the profile of target marketing customers or even the stakeholders of an organization or a project.

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FOAR matrix

In addition to an FFOM, FOAR analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) makes it possible to focus on positive points and to visualize the context of an organization or a project.

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FFOM matrix

The Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threat Matrix (FFOM or SWOT in English) makes it possible to draw up a portrait prior to strategic planning.

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Spotlight on the meetings and conventions market

Our thematic newsletter on the meetings and conventions market


Spotlight on collective entrepreneurship in tourism

Our thematic newsletter on collective entrepreneurship


Focus on equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility

Our thematic newsletter on equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI)


Spotlight on recreotourism

Our thematic newsletter for the month of March 2024 on recreotourism


Spotlight on our year 2023

Our thematic watch bulletin, which looks at 2023, and the opal governance approach.


Shedding Light on the Regenerative Approach in Tourism

Our thematic newsletter for December 2023 on the regenerative approach in tourism.


Spotlight on sustainable products and services in tourism

Our thematic newsletter on product design is sustainable services in tourism.


Spotlight on experiential tourism

Our thematic newsletter on experiential tourism and inspiring examples.