Lean Canvas

Validate your business model

Get a concrete vision of your project in a simple and complete document that echoes the Lean Startup method. Lean Startup allows you to validate your project or product by a series of back and forth between you and the target market (panelists). The canvas shows in particular the problems that potential customers may encounter, the solutions to be implemented, the revenues resulting from the project, and the value proposition of your project. Other information such as distribution channels, costs, or competitive advantages make this tool an excellent starting point for writing your business plan.

This tool will allow you to verify the viability of your project on the market in a simple and visual way.

You want to use the Lean Canvas for your project?

Download our practical and editable tool for free here!

Lean canvas downloadable file

Crédit image : Shutterstock




When 2 companies meet to discuss their shared challenges

TourScope and O Strategy, 2 similar non-competing companies, used the open forum method to be more creative in solving problems.

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Focus on creativity and sustainable development

Our April 2022 thematic newsletter on raising awareness and adapting to climate change, in particular with the Climate Fresque. As well as the link between vacation and creativity.

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Demystifying the use of digital traveller data

Destinations must compile and analyze data on current and potential visitors to their territory: issues, challenges and examples of good practices around the collection and management of customer data.

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