Touriscope adopts the CSR commitment

This summer, Touriscope began a profound reflection on its corporate social responsibility, an approach that the entire team recognized the need for.

This led us to ask ourselves this question: who does we feel responsible for? Today, we are unveiling a formal commitment to these stakeholders and to sustainable and responsible tourism development, which will be followed by a strategy and an action plan. In fact, we are committed to using our research, analysis, and outreach skills to help you shed new light on the challenges of our time.

For Touriscope, being a responsible consulting company means...

  • Have a raison d'être and an approach based on the long-term needs of organizations and society in an environmentally friendly way, rather than on short-term profits.
  • Surround ourselves with employees who share our values and who demonstrate a commitment to sustainable tourism, while knowing how to use specialized expertise when needed.
  • Take into account the interests of various stakeholders in our projects and consider the positive and negative impacts of our recommendations on them and on the environment.
  • Raise awareness among our customers and stakeholders about the various considerations related to sustainable development and climate change across all our services, with empathy and respect for the pace of transition of each one.
  • Set an example by adopting eco-responsible practices internally.
  • Adopt democratic governance practices that promote the development and well-being of employees.
  • Respect the confidentiality of our customers' information.

In addition, Touriscope has been a member of Tourisme Durable Québec since its creation in early 2021. In doing so, we are signatories of Its Commitment Charter.

Responsibility to whom?

Adopting a corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitment means adhering to the idea that we have a responsibility for the form that tourism development takes. So this means asking ourselves questions: to whom do we feel responsible?

In addition to our colleagues, partners, and customers, we believe that we need to consider the needs and expectations of several indirect stakeholders, represented by the dotted lines below.

Stakeholders to whom we have a responsibility.

Our first strategy will be made public soon.

