FOAR matrix

Analyze with positivity

In addition to the FFOM analysis, we focus here on the positive aspects to visualize the context of your organization or project. FOAR analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) encourages you to take a step back and reformulate your weaknesses and threats positively. This exercise is carried out collectively, with all your stakeholders and thus aims to develop the drivers of your organization and use them to move towards change.

This tool will allow you to initiate collective thinking in order to build on the strengths of your organization or project and thus promote the implementation of change.

You want to use theparses FOAR for your project?

Download our practical and editable tool for free here!
Fichier téléchargeable por l'analyse FOAR

Image Credit: Shutterstock




Harnessing the potential of the night in nature

Nature attractions are increasingly exploiting the tourist potential of the night: astronomy, sunsets, bioluminescence, culture, animated trails, etc.

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FFOM matrix

The Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threat Matrix (FFOM or SWOT in English) makes it possible to draw up a portrait prior to strategic planning.

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FOAR matrix

In addition to an FFOM, FOAR analysis (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results) makes it possible to focus on positive points and to visualize the context of an organization or a project.

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From farm to fork, Slovenian success in sustainable agrotourism

Good practice - The Ljubljana Tourism Office has won its bet to make local products accessible in the restaurants of major hotels.

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