
Putting a face on a target group

Gather everything you know about your target customers or project stakeholders to create fictional individuals with a name, photo, social life, and personality traits. The persona is built from quantitative data (socio-demographic data, survey data, etc.), but also qualitative data that can be perceptions or elements gleaned during interviews.

This tool will allow you to refine the profile of your targets by adding depth to their expectations and needs.

You want to use the personas for your project?

Download our practical and editable tool for free here!
Fichier téléchargeable sur les personas de vos clients

Image Credit: Shutterstock




Tourism as a lever for reconnecting with the territory

Let's start by defining the socio-ecological transition and then let's continue with six levers that tourist organizations have at their disposal to promote reconnection to the territory and its inhabitants.

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The ABC of a seduction operation with residents

Local customers: how to attract this new tourist clientele coveted by businesses? 1- Understand their motivations 2-Review your offer 3-Communicate

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4 ways to extend your tourist season

Tourism and seasonality: 4 possible solutions to mitigate its effects and ensure the quality of the visitor experience.

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FFOM matrix

The Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threat Matrix (FFOM or SWOT in English) makes it possible to draw up a portrait prior to strategic planning.

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