Spotlight on residents and their multiple roles in tourism

Find here the contents shared in our March 2022 thematic newsletter.

Editorial of March 1, 2022

Last month I attended a conference by Vision Attractiveness Estrie, regarding the public consultation on the change of name of the region. As a resident, I feel quite concerned about this subject, proud ambassador of my adopted region. Unsurprisingly, residents made up a significant portion of the population interviewed on the subject. Territorial attractiveness strategy, local tourism, staycation, etc.: residents are an essential stakeholder whose support is necessary for the success of a destination project.

Tourism players have understood this well. I can't count the inspiring examples of community involvement in tourism, such as those presented in this newsletter, such as the sustainable mobility project in the Alps. Initiatives that confirm that if we want to promote attractive and sustainable destinations, we must start by co-creating living and resilient territories. Sometimes actors, ambassadors, creators of the tourist offer and even consumers, residents have many things to say. It's up to us to listen to them!


Original TourScope article

A family has fun during an outdoor hike
Consulting residents: a must today!

We are increasingly conducting surveys of residents of a territory for our clients, whether to guide tourism development or to assess their perceptions and ensure the social acceptability of an activity or project. Our latest article is intended to be a guide to trends and best practices in this field.

Elsewhere on the web

The different roles of inhabitants in the tourist territory
Numerous roles for the inhabitants of your territory!

This “inhabitant toolbox” of the MONA (Mission des Offices de Tourisme Nouvelle Aquitaine) has something to inspire! The topics covered range from strategy to hospitality, the collaborative economy, consumption profiles and tourism phobia. If you are still wondering why residents should be at the heart of your concerns, you will find plenty of answers!

Demande d'opinion des habitants pendant un atelier
Residents' consultation workshop
5 lessons learned from over 100 workshops with residents

Destination Think conducted over a hundred online consultation workshops with residents of Canadian, American and New Zealand tourist destinations in the last year. In this article, they present their 5 main findings and recommendations for destination management organizations. The bottom line: the challenges are often the same, and people see tourism as an opportunity, as long as it's managed well.

Capture of the Practical Guide on Soft Mobility
How do I conduct consultation workshops with residents?

The objective of the project” Mobility.Camp.Alps ” in Germany was to test innovative methods for developing sustainable tourist offers. In order to benefit from the experience acquired during its implementation, the actors behind the project have prepared this practical guide. So, you want to start a consultation process with residents in the form of workshops but do not know how to do it? It will accompany you down to the smallest detail.

Our services

Call on our services in business intelligence and surveys.

Business intelligence was part of the expertise of team members even before Touriscope started in 2016. Trust us to conduct well-constructed and informative surveys that will inform your decision-making. Also find our practical tips for starting your own survey in our article published last year on the subject.

See our services

Featured image : Tourism Quebec, Gaelle Leroyer, Chambly Canal Bike Path




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