Focus on customer experience and package pricing

Find here the contents shared in our March 2023 thematic newsletter

Editorial of March 7, 2023

We will soon switch to daylight saving time. Are you already in planning mode for the summer season? Several members of our team have already started booking their vacations and getaways. For my part, I will discover two regional parks in Quebec. Guillaume will be at St-Honoré Festival in the wind. Nadège will fly to Yellowstone with her camping equipment for the whole family. Sophie, a fan of slow travel, will visit Virginia by bike. Camille will make her children discover their North Italian origins. Audrey will be crisscrossing Argentina, and wants to specify that she has already budgeted for her carbon offset with Carbone Boréal.

Obviously, we will write down in our memories all the offers and small original touches that make us live an extraordinary customer experience. All the good ideas too that make tourism more sustainable and tourists more responsible.

We are fortunate to be very busy and busy with our mandates at the beginning of the year, which is why we invite you to reread some of our recently updated articles that remain very relevant. We have also put online all our old newsletters in the form of articles so that you can find the contents or discover them if you have recently joined us.

Happy reading!


Original TouriScope articles

Summer is fast approaching and tourists are planning their next excursions.
Several ways to attract residents

It will already be the 4th summer since the start of the pandemic. You have certainly already implemented several strategies to attract local customers. How well do you know how they perceive you? Have you adapted to their particular needs? Do not hesitate to reread our article on the subject to find new ideas: limited-time events and products, packages, privileges, etc.

A good way to discover the best of your region: An experience package
The package deal step by step

Creating new packages is a good way to make your offer known to new customers, to encourage your regulars to come back or to improve the customer experience. It is also an extraordinary opportunity to develop collaboration within a destination, and to reinforce its attractiveness when several complementary partners work together. Our article recently updated guides you through all the stages of marketing packages supported by various examples.

Elsewhere on the web

Maison Lavande offers an experience for all 5 senses on their site as well as online
The customer experience at the service of your profitability

Did you know that a 5% increase in customer retention can generate 25% more profits? What is the customer experience, how is it built and how does it contribute to your profitability? Here is a Great article to remember the answers to all these questions. We believe that this should be at the heart of your concerns.

Our projects

Strategic planning based on in-depth analysis

TourScope supported the Homarus Ecocentre, an interpretation center that offers an interactive experience allowing the discovery of lobster and marine ecosystems in Shediac Bay in New Brunswick. In 2020, the center and its main partners were ready to move forward with the construction of a new building in order to make the modest center a major tourist attraction. Which customers should we target? What experiences can we offer? TourScope carried out several analyses: trends, benchmark, competition, etc. in order to set the stage for solid strategic planning. Discover the approach and its results on our website.

A young visitor interacts with one of the interactive experiences at the Homarus Ecocentre

Our services

Do you have a tourism project?

Touriscope, in collaboration with other specialized partners, can help you! Learn more about our services here

- Market study

- (pre) feasibility study

- Study of opportunities and development potentials

- Etc.

Another need? Contact us, we will be happy to discuss it!

Featured photo: Kim Stever on Pexels




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