3 strategies to raise awareness of your sustainable practices and offers

Travelers are adopting increasingly ecological behavior and are expecting similar changes from tourism businesses.

In fact, according to a survey conducted by Booking.com among 18,000 international travelers, 71% of them want more sustainable travel choices from businesses. The same proportion would be more likely to book a hotel knowing that it is eco-responsible.

However, many obstacles remain to the realization of these trips, such as the lack of information provided by companies about their sustainable practices and offers. The challenge for them is then to make themselves better known. To do this, three strategies can be used:

1- Positionnement clair 2-Forfaitiser l'offre 3- Démarche de certification

The examples below are intended in particular for destination promotion organizations, tour operators and incoming agencies. This article is inspired by a conference that I had the pleasure of giving at the annual conference of the Association of Receiving Agencies and Forfaitistes du Québec.

1. Create a clear and distinctive positioning

Tour operators and receptive specialists in sustainable tourism have understood this well: to attract customers, gain their trust and retain them, it is necessary to have a clear positioning, consistent with their offer and distinct from their competitors. To illustrate this strategy, here is a non-exhaustive overview of tour operators and receptive specialists. Their brand name, logo and editorial line reflect this positioning. The keywords, used in their communications, are the promise of trips in the various spheres of sustainable tourism.

Revue de 8 forfaitistes avec leur positionnement

However, even without being positioned in this niche, a company should not hesitate to make its sustainable initiatives known, as long as the communication is done transparently and without false promises.

2. Package the sustainable tourism offer

Enforcing the sustainable offer of a destination multiplies the chances of attracting travelers. The management organization for the Vanilla Islands, located in the Indian Ocean, has carried out a concerted and collaborative approach to create inter-island combinations promoting ecotourism, a form of sustainable tourism based on respect for the natural environment. After identifying the offer, it called for expressions of interest from receptive agencies present on each of the islands. They then met to create 22 packages, presented in particular on the website from the Vanilla Islands.

3 forfaits écotouristiques des Iles Vanille
Image: Vanilla Islands website

3. Get involved in a certification and labelling process

Sustainable tourism certifications allow businesses and destinations to be supported in implementing more sustainable practices. They also represent a guarantee of trust for visitors who see them as a guarantee of eco-friendly products and services. There are many labels and certifications, such as those of Travelife and Agir Pour un Tourisme Responsable, dedicated to tour operators or even those of EarthCheck and Green Destinations, for destinations. In Quebec, Aventure Écoturismo Québec offersEcotourism accreditation for activities in the natural environment of adventure tourism and ecotourism companies.

Communicating and marketing the sustainable tourism offer is essential, as travelers are still too poorly equipped to make an informed choice.

Whether you are a company committed to sustainable tourism or one that is already well positioned, remember that internal communication is also essential. Educate and train your front-line employees so they can promote your sustainable approach to visitors.

To go further on the subject, here is a selection of our articles:

The climate is changing, and you? Adoption of new business models, diversification of supply and support for innovation... so many inspiring strategies to deal with the new realities associated with climate change.

Pandemic and sustainable tourism: why and how to make your organization evolve in 5 steps 58% of consumers care more about the environment now than before the pandemic. Trends, challenges and advice to finally take action.

Featured image: Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay




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