“Enclaireur.se”, our new common job title

Each person is free to personalize this title according to the context and according to the way they see their work.

What does “scout” mean for TourScope?

In the literal sense, the term scout refers to a person who is sent in recognition to observe and transmit useful information to others. For Touriscope, this means drawing on its expertise and knowledge in order to inform the decision-making of tourism stakeholders and help them to reveal the best in themselves. This title harmonizes so well with established vocabulary that it seems obvious in retrospect:

- Our consulting services, which guide and enlighten our customers
- Our expertise, which includes research, observation of trends and best practices, etc.
- Sharing, which is one of our three main values (along with rigor and agility)
- Our slogan, “Making the tourist landscape shine”
- Our mission, “To lead to informed decision making”
- Our lighthouse illustration
- And several other elements of our vocabulary and organizational culture.

Why adopt a common title?

The need to move away from hierarchical titles (director, manager, project manager, intern, etc.) emerged over the past year, as the team took a closer look at horizontal management methods and opal organizations. In these organizations, as with Touriscope, there is no attempt to place people into predefined job descriptions. Positions are built from the multitude of roles and responsibilities that individuals take on, based on their interests, talents and the needs of the organization. Thus, traditional job titles did not reflect the different roles of each person, or the agility with which they evolve.

How was the title chosen?

The process, which resulted in the choice of the title, was conducted in an inclusive and participatory manner, in accordance with the vision of privileged collaboration in all areas of the organization. Guided brainstorm exercises allowed ideas to flourish. A few terms stood out, but it was the scout's proposal that was then adopted intentionally. The team is aware that such a title will arouse curiosity and will probably need to be adapted according to contexts. That is why a brief user and customization guide has been prepared so that each person can make it their own. The result is truly the result of the collective intelligence of the team, and we are proud of it!

To get to know the members of the team, It's over here.